California Overtime Law Calculations
Set your calculator overtime choice under Settings.
The US government Department of Labor overtime law of after "40 hours per week" applies to many states. See Fact Sheet #23: Overtime Pay Requirements of the FLSA. Some states however, such as California, have their own overtime laws; see other state labor offices.
The time card calculations allow you to choose overtime rates according to United States Federal overtime law or California laws. Overtime for Canada can be done by choosing Calculate OT : Standard and setting to 44 hours per week and a rate of 1.5 x regular pay "time and a half."
How to Calculate Overtime in California
First, confirm with your employer that they follow these same overtime rules.
The general summary of the overtime law in California can be found on their website under Overtime FAQ's from California Department of Industrial Relations.
In summary of our time card calculations we calculate this overtime as follows:
You can enter your regular pay rate, also known as straight time pay, into the calculator. Overtime rate is calculated as one and one-half times your regular rate of pay, also called time and a half, and, double time rate is two times your regular rate of pay.
Hour & Limits
Time Card Calculator .net calculates
- Overtime for hours worked after 8 hours per day and up to and including 12 hours per day, and
- Double time for hours worked after 12 hours per day, and
- Overtime for hours worked after 40 straight time hours per week, and
- Applying 7th day rules, on the seventh consecutive day of work in a single work
week, we calculate
- Overtime for the first 8 hours worked, and
- Double time for any additional hours more than 8 on the 7th day.
Set overtime choice under Settings.