Online Timesheet Hours Calculator

Your Time Card Report & Calculator Link Widgets

Copy the link from below. Paste it in an email to share it. Paste it in a browser address bar to view it. Store it for future reference.

No data available.
Go back and Calculate a Time Card.

Report Link

This link will open the Time Card Report in a printer friendly page.

Use this link if you want to send your final report and not allow the recipient to make changes.

Copy your link code (0)

Report hyperlink

No hyperlink available.

Calculator Link

This link will open the Time Card Calculator and allow edits. *

Use this link if you want to allow the recipient to make changes before they print the final report.

Copy your link code (0)

Calculator hyperlink

No hyperlink available.

* When someone follows this link to the calculator it will overwrite thier settings and data with your settings and data if they Calculate or Save. If they want to avoid this they can set up a browser with multiple users and paste the link under a different user.

Notes for Copying the Code

  • Copy the HTML code from the text box.
    • Click on the "Copy Link to Clipboard" button or
    • Use your mouse (or fingers on a touch screen) to select everything
  • Then, paste this code into an email or word processing document.

* Note that these links are for the last calculation you completed. If this page is not working be sure you allow cookies.

If clicking on a link here or in an email does not work then copy and paste it into a browser address bar.

If you need help or have any issues, you can contact me